And thereby hangs a tale… by Geetha Ballal

And thereby hangs a tale… This in no means is a rip off from Geoffrey Archer’s novel, but I like the name and somehow I feel this experience has one too many stories involved and it is still going on, I think the name suits it. It all began when I was told I was…

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Maya Ayam – Exploring avatars of Lord Vishnu through dance

Maya-Ayam is a combination of classic Bharatanatyam, contemporary movement, traditional folk and digital imagery exploring the theories of Vishnu through dance.  

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MAYA-AYAM-Illusion of time-Images by Sriharsha

Chitraleka Dance Company (UK based) is collaborating with Nritarutya (India based) to tour their joint dance production Maya – Ayam in both countries.Evolutionary theories, ten avatars of Vishnu, Ardhanarishwara and the forces of rhythm are explored through the vocabulary of dance. A touring dance production funded by Birmingham City Council’s International Partnership Programme Production team:…

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