Diet-Never thought it would be so vital!

Following the tips that we shared in our older post- “Fitness for all”, we are here with many more,
this time bringing you the goodness of a wholesome diet.

Any Dancer’s diet like his/ her lifestyle is very very different.
Any individuals’ diet requirement is based on performance and output.
This makes a different place for a Dancers requirement.

For energetic and very zestful performance, where a dancer displays his best,
he/ she needs to be adequately fueled. Dancers need to ingest sufficient energy
to meet rigors of hard training. While it is important for a performer to be cautious of
the weight of his body, a low caloric intake can cause an under-ingestion and compromise
energy availability.

A dancer would need a diet plan which will meet the energy demands of dance. Thus
obtaining a calorie intake that should suffice is not only a real task but also
of high importance.

To estimate calorie intake required for a performance while undergoing heavy training is:
45-50 calories/ kg of body weight for females and
50-55 calories/ kg of body weight for males.

After the calculations of calorie intake are made, one needs to estimate the
needed amount of Carbohydrates, Fat, Proteins, Vitamins, Minerals and Fluids.

Continuing with the series of this, wait up guys for our next blog, where we get into the details of food,
nutrition and proper balanced diet for a dancer.
We’ll get comprehensive on one of the considerably neglected aspects of a dancer’s lifestyle!
Take care and stay healthy until then 🙂


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