Photo Courtesy: Gautham



It is a festive time at nritarutya, the team is all geared to perform for the Queen’s diamond jubilee celebrations as the only Asian cultural representative. The one hour show includes special performances by artists from all over the world. Its an ITV production, to be broadcasted to over 6 million viewers in 240 countries across the world.
Nritarutya in collaboration with global music phenomenon Raghu Dixit will perform at the Windsor castle on the May 13th,2012. The duo are presenting a music and dance showcase on one of Raghu’s most acclaimed track ‘Mysore se ayi’, an Indian contemporary folk hit number to which Mayuri Upadhya weaves her choreography. It will be nostalgic to watch 12 power-packed dancers, Raghu dixit singing live backed by 700 member orchestra.

The team is rehearsing for about 3 hours each day since two weeks now to have every move perfected filling each of us with high energy.

Madhuri Upadhya says “ feel elated, ecstatic and honoured to be one of the few Indian teams to have ever performed in front of Her Majesty. We are sharing the stage with internationally renowned artists. As a team, we are representing the whole flavour of our culture internationally”. As for the act she says “It is a challenge for us dancers, as the song tempo is fast and the movements are crisp and dynamic” .

Join us at the extravaganza!!!
We need all the luck and wishes!!

Signing off- Kelina Goel


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