Smt Lalitha Srinivasan on YES DANCE MATTERS


(by Smt Lalitha Srinivasan on World Dance Day)

It has always mattered at the personal level, when I was 4 to now and will always matter at all levels, in all respects till the end of my day. It has been a panacea for life’s trials and tribulation. It has been a great tranquilizer at the time of stress & immense joy given. It has widened the reach and scope of my life. I have acquired knowledge, friends, name and fame all because of dance. My life is full of myriads of exciting because of dance. I have travelled near and far. What would I do if not for dance?
Dance matters when it upholds the cultural and educative values of community. The understanding of people’s emotion and beliefs are apparent. The beautiful dance sculptures of yore which adorn over temples proclaim the religious, aesthetic values of generation of people. The joy of witnessing them comes alive in today’s performances. Dance brings together the souls of people, scrutinizes you for better understanding, creates better thoughts as it self – elevating.
It is beautiful and all encompassing art which teaches religion, norms, spirituality, asthetic appreciation, moral values, human integrity along with a knowledge of music, sculpture, scriptures and social and human psychology, “indriya mana buddhi” converges together to reveal a glimpse of the supreme.
Even without uttering a word the body can communicate and hence we have blind, specially abled, mentally challenged people dancing and enjoying the awareness of the body. See what dance can do. We realize it when we teach also.

Bharathamunir in his Natya Shastra in the 1st chapter (verse 111 – 118) has clarified the purpose of Natya, between 111-120 shlokas is often quoted.

Dharmodharam pravarthana……
NachaShastram nashilpa……..
Rashtram pravratram chyva rangasyasa pravrotato…..
The message of Bhagwadgita of doing your duty, being promoted to do your duty by this art is also suggested which leads to more higher aspiration. God has given me everything though dance, my only request is I become a dancer again in my next life.


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